NIC, hospitals, housing societies opt door-to-door diesel delivery during lockdown

diesel delivery during lockdown
Aditi Chetan with Ratan Tata-repos energy

Repos Energy, a Pune based door-to-door diesel delivery during lockdown start-up is powering the National Information Centre, city hospitals, and residential societies in the wake of coronavirus lockdown. Pune based door-to-door diesel delivery start-up Repos Energy fuelling hospitals, waste management depots, and residential societies.

Maharashtra has become the epicenter of coronavirus crisis that has forced the lockdown. And brings life to a standstill allowing humans to live on the basic necessities. But with the number of cases growing to over 100 on Wednesday in the state. And Hospitals are facing a challenging time to keep the operations running.

On Tuesday night, the little rainfall caused power breakdowns in many hospitals. But they needed to be powered by diesel generators for power back-up. The door-to-door diesel delivery during lockdown service came to the rescue.

“The daily requirement of the hospitals range anywhere between 500 litres and 2, 000 litres depending on the consumption and requirement. We are reaching out to over a dozen major hospitals in Pune including the National Information Centre, Sahyadri, Jehangir, Aditya-Birla hospital among them,”

said Aditi Bhosale Walunj, co-founder at Repos Energy.

Repos Energy is a Pune based door-to-door diesel delivery start-up started three years ago and funded by Ratan Tata. So, the start-up is catering to the clients for the past two years. But the demand has scaled up to 15 percent since the lockdown.

Aditi said that hospitals always need back-ups for crucial functions like the ventilators and smooth operations of the intensive care units (ICU).

“There are two Repos Petrol Pumps (RPPs) which are making trips to over 22 major. And small hospitals serving as a lifeline in times of lockdown,” she says.

There are four staffers working in rotation providing the diesel services. “We are ensuring that all the WHO norms are complied and staff is wearing protective gear. Also, using sanitisers with contactless working in the risky environment,” Chetan Walunj, Co-founder of Repos said.

“There is enough supply to be provided for the next 20 days of the lockdown period for now. There are also housing societies and solid waste management plants that we are providing fuel for efficient waste management,” he added.

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