Unleash Your Full Potential Using The Power Of Mid-Brain Activation

Power Of Mid-Brain Activation - VyapaarJagat.com

Once we decide we have to do something, we can go miles ahead. Mind is never a problem, MINDSET is.

-Narendra Modi

All thoughts that pass through the mind, the sensations and perceptions from the outside world, and the memories that you bring into your awareness are all part of the consciousness of your mind. It includes developmental, emotional, mental, and social understanding & approach.

Factually, Only 10% of tasks in your life have been controlled by your conscious mind. And 90% of your tasks can be accomplished by your subconscious mind. It indicates that if you don’t take advantage of the power of your subconscious mind, you are missing a huge part of accomplishment in your life.

The unconscious Mind is a reservoir of feelings, thoughts, emotions, and memories that are outside of our conscious awareness. Ex.Your first walk or the first word which you learned to speak. We can compare the unconscious mind to an iceberg, where everything above the water represents conscious awareness and everything below the water represents the unconscious part.

Rene Descartes in the 17th Century said that the Mind interacts with the Body at the pineal gland in which he emphasized the existence of immortality of the soul. Descartes argued that mind-brain dualism proposes that the mind controls your body and that the body can also influence the rational mind.

This theory creates wonderful characteristics of mind-brain dualism which suggest that
the mind is the set of faculties that include cognitive aspects such as consciousness, imagination, perception learning capabilities, intelligence, memory, and language aspects. Mind also includes non-cognitive aspects such as emotions, intuition, and willpower. Use all the areas of your brain to enhance multiple intelligences which help in your focus and concentration.

Only a small part of the iceberg is actually visible over the water. What we cannot see from the surface is the enormous amount of ice that makes up the bulk of the iceberg submerged dip below in water. In the same way, the things in our conscious awareness are “The tip of the iceberg” and the rest of the information which is outside of our conscious awareness lies below the surface like our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and feelings which if converted in negative ways can cause a number of problems like anger, jealousy,  distress, relationship problems, bias, etc.

Thus, It is very important to bring all these behaviors into awareness to relieve psychological distress through different techniques like free association, relaxation, motivation et cetera.

The most complicated yet most powerful is your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the place where your mental programs are created and carried out. If you want to change the mental programs you are running, you have to focus on your subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind is like a huge memory bank. Its capacity is virtually unlimited and it permanently stores everything that ever happens to you. Your subconscious mind does exactly everything you say and creates a pattern consistent with yourself and your concept according to your master’s program.

The Pattern of your subconscious mind is such that it doesn’t think or reason independently. It only obeys the commands given by your conscious mind.

With abundant power, It has a limitation that it will always pull you back towards your comfort zone and make you feel tense & uneasy whenever you try doing something different from your routine. Same time if you know some memory hacks on how to do smart work than hard work, you can win half the battle of Life. There is a definite way to use maximum power of your subconscious mind and that is to give commands to it.

The conventional idea of a gym is a place where people lift some drop dead heavy weights, run on treadmills, and train different muscle groups. Similarly, it’s also essential to train the brain. The idea of a brain gym is to train the brain via various exercises to boost its functioning. This term is a new addition to the dictionary in the education sector.

Brain gym movements are simple yet effective exercises to improve brain functioning. Daily practice makes the children sharper, brighter, and more attentive. Brain gyms are generally incorporated into schools as a part of their curriculum. The aim is to target maximum brain neuron connections by engaging in various activities. Brain gym exercises impact the children’s learning and memory and improve their senses like vision, hearing, smell, etc. The blood flow to the brain increases through these exercises.

A few examples of brain gym movements that anyone can practice are brain buttons, hookups, the elephant, lazy eights, etc.

Children with neurodevelopmental problems like ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders should be encouraged to perform these exercises daily.

When you want to get good results in a few days or to achieve any of your goals in your life, the affirmations technique would be very useful. Self-affirmations are positive statements that are used to boost self-esteem and self-confidence. By repeating positive ideas, one is shifting one’s focus from inadequacies to good. Repeating positive affirmations to oneself regularly might help the brain accept them as true. Your behaviors frequently follow when you genuinely believe you can accomplish a goal.

Affirmations are meant to motivate you positively to act in the way you desire to. It has to be done with closed eyes early in the morning or @night before sleep continuously till you achieve your Goals-the best you want.

There are a few points to keep in mind while making your own affirmations. It’s crucial to make the affirmations realistic. Unrealistic affirmations hurt if they are not fulfilled. Secondly, they need to be in sync with the goals. And lastly, these affirmations are just a source of motivation. Results will occur only when you act on them.

It is rightly said “Our Mind is like a parachute. It only functions when it is open

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