How Mumbai based Brain Rhyme trained more than 300 thousand Students and Professionals


Brain Rhyme® Cognitve Solutions Pvt. Ltd an ISO 9001:2008 Certified engaged in training, mentoring and coaching participants using value added techniques, psychometric tools and systems used worldwide. More than 3 lakh participants from around 15+ countries since last 12 years have been successfully trained on Brain Rhyme Super Memory Programs. They offer Tools, Techniques & Copyright systems, used Globally on effective use of Brain & Cognitive functions. Their program helps the participants to improve Brain functioning, build Confidence and Trust their Memory. A result-oriented system, well researched, tested & used globally for students, professionals, Senior citizen as well as special need students.

When did it first strike you to start Brain Rhyme?

I was working for a Semi Govt firm where I got an opportunity to interact with more than 5 lac students within Mumbai, Raigad, Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg district and found a common factor that most of them like us are not keen on studying and have difficulties in learning, understanding & recalling one or more subjects. I started looking for solutions – a way we could help students. As the saying goes “Where there is a will there is a way out “. I found my mentor and he trained me on the art of learning in easy, fun-way and how to enjoy your studies effectively using your whole brain. My working for someone changed into creating opportunities in different fields by been more productive and proficient in whatever you do. Now we train regular students, differently enabled students, professionals & even Sr.Citizen from around more than 15 + countries , on how to use your BRAIN’s effectively. We even conduct Memory championship for all age groups.

How much time did it take you from conceptualisation of Brain Rhyme to actually launching Brain Rhyme in the market?

It took around 6 months, since I first understood the concept, learned the techniques, tools and systems. Started implementing on my own children, modified where required and launched in a small classroom. When i found the results, we started training trainers so that we can go up in a big scale.

What problems Brain Rhyme solving?

Participation in structured memory sports programs has many more benefits for children and young people than just the learning of the basic skills.

  • Improves overall personality
  • Ability to Focus and Concentration increases.
  • Develops Interest and Confidence in core subjects.
  • Understanding on how to use brain Effectively and Efficiently.
  • Activate neurons and keep them Healthy and Fit.
  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety thereby helps in maintaining the Physical Fitness.
  • Stand out among peers, groups, colleagues, family & friends.
  • Helps to face competitions ahead.
  • Can recall easily by applying Systems and a Process.
  • Boost Creative Skills and Imagination power multi fold.
  • Reading skills improve.
  • Working with figure’s, abstract ideas, charts become easy.
  • Soft skills such as leadership, improving self-esteem, team building and gaining knowledge about a healthy lifestyle

are just some of the additional benefits and studies also show that participation in a structured program increase academic achievement.

How does Brain Rhyme work?

We conduct online & offline programs to help students academically & face competitive exams. We have trained students from India | USA| UK | UAE | NZL |Thailand | Chicago |Canada | Singapore | SA | Egypt |Germany | Brazil | SriLanka

How did you make your first sale and how much time it took you from starting up to closing the first sale?

First sale was in May 2008 and it took a lot of time since the concept was very new and nobody was aware about the benefits. Price against value was a big challenge for me.

What expansion plans are you looking for the next 10 years?

Create Brain Clubs where everyone can enter and activate neurons. Secondly Brain Learning Centres where competitions related to Brain shall be conducted. We are looking to see developed Heart, Mind and Brains of masses.

Tell us about your team and uniqueness of Office culture

We are looking for Passion, Trust, Faith, Responsibility in our employees/team at the time of hiring. We have a culture of working with passionate partners rather than employee working for a stipulated time frame.

What was the most challenging part of your journey till now? How did you overcome those challenges?

Finding solutions to requirements from different areas of education. To overcome the challenge is to face the challenge and learn new concepts, implement and apply to get best results, was the only aim.

Did you receive any Awards and Recognition?

Brain Rhyme has been awarded for:

  • Best Edutainment Program by Uttarakhand Education Ministry.
  • ‘Special Contribution Award‟ by Mumbai University for educating and promoting Memory Development sessions to nearly about 50+ colleges affiliated with Mumbai University.
  • Award of Excellence in Cognitive Training & Coaching by Asia African Council.

Can you share any Case Study?

Sharing one among many case studies – A student from Navi Mumbai who had phobia of Maths. Initially when I started coaching her, I found difficulty in explaining the concepts for first few months. I changed the strategy from learning to building confidence in subject matter. Next month phobia changed to fear and from fear to understanding and liking the concept. Slowly and steadily she developed interest in the subject. A girl who couldn’t clear the papers secured 69% in Maths at 10th level. Parents and teachers were amazed to see the results. Similarly, several other students who thought that the subject is a burden became their pet and enjoyed playing with them and secured better marks than before.


  • Certified Musical Windows Master Trainer.
  • Certified “Cognitive Behaviour Therapist”
  • Certified Carl Roger‟s Person Centric Councillor.
  • Certified by Institute of Psychological Health
  • Faculty for child & clinical psychology for renowned hospitals (nursing schools) in Mumbai.
  • Authored 3 books on Memory.
  • Nominated by Uttarakhand Education Ministry for Best Educational Program.
  • Founder corporate member of the Indo-Africa Development Council,
  • Strategic Partner- School Memory Championships, Lebonan
  • Strategic Partner- School Memory Championships in Egypt.
  • Level 1 Arbiter, World Memory Sports Council, UK
  • Vice President – Indian Memory Sports Council (IMSC).
  • Featured in prominent newspapers in Mumbai, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, Kota, Rajasthan & Hyderabad.
  • Trained Students, Professionals, and Competitive Exam like Banks, Management Entrance etc as well as LD, Alzheimer, Glaucoma, Speech disorder, Dementia, Slow learners, & MS patients.

Tell us about Mentors Support

Great support and trust from my mentor Mr.Vikrant Narayan Chaphekar, without whom I am just a wet mud. He carved out the shades in me & trained me to become internationally recognised brain athlete. Similarly my mentor from Singapore Mr.Dilip Mukerjea author of more than 40+ books moulded me for international stage.

How do you spend your time outside work?

Travelling, Music and spending lot of time with family members.

Would you rather be good at a lot of things or an expert at one thing?

Both as we should be able to mould ourselves in this new millennium age.

Tell us something you are learning right now.

I belong to L3 (Life Long Learning) community. Learning Cognitive Theories, Research on critical illness, Special need requirements and remedies.

Whom do you consider your idol or biggest motivator?

My mentor Mr.Vikrant Narayan Chaphekar is biggest motivator to me.

Do you consider yourself successful and by what means do you measure success?

Success is just another adjective to make you feel proud of yourself. I believe that if you can make a change in someone’s life and make him proud, you are successful and i am adding those blessing in my life path.

What advice you want to give to Young Entrepreneurs and Startups?

Work, rework and redesign with your experience. Think (invest time), analyse (based on your gut feelings), take decisions and be firm in whatever you do.

Advice to Young Entrepreneurs and Startups

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