Revolutionary business platform that offers a 360-degree support system to growing entrepreneurs
Since 2017, has featured 10000+ Business Stories, 400+ Eminent Speakers shared their experience in conventions & conferences, 400+ Entrepreneurs felicitated with Awards & wide media coverages, 400+ Video Stories featured on Vyapaar Jagat TV, 5000+ Businesses listed in Vyapaar Jagat Directory, 50000+ Business professionals attended Vyapaar Jagat Virtual Conventions & Conferences, More than 1.5 lacs Entrepreneurs following Vyapaar Jagat on Social Media and thousands of entrepreneurs learning at daily. Leaders is a community of the world’s most passionate, driven entrepreneurs founded by Pravin Parmar who is coming from a small town of Gujarat, growing up in a farmer’s family where trade and skill was more important than education, He was the black sheep pursuing academic excellence. As he grew in his career, battling highs and lows, he learnt a valuable lesson – if you have to grow, you must help others grow.
Mission is on a mission to enhance lives of more than 1 million entrepreneurs.
We connect Entrepreneurs & Decision Makers around the world and empower them to create opportunities and meaningful change in their organizations, communities and lives.
Business Impact makes meaningful connections and support one another through the challenges and triumphs of growing impactful businesses. Membership Offerings
Media Exposure: Build your personal brand through media exposure by featuring your brand story & listing your products & services.
Events: Access to member-only events with leading thinkers and doers, with the opportunity to interact with leaders nationally & globally.
Forums: (Global, Regional or Chapter specific) is peer-to-peer network, helps transform the lives Leaders Forum.
Personal Development: Know exactly where you’re going on your leadership journey. Become Talk Show Speaker, Author, Organizer etc…
Meets: Scheduled Virtual & In Person Meets with Local + National Members & Industry Leaders
Workshops: Monthly workshop to learn and implement best practices in different departments to scale and grow the business.
Tailored Mentorship & Guidance: Get a mentorship support from internal & external mentors.
Global Connectivity: is a social media platform for Leaders to establish new relations. is a community of Growing Entrepreneurs created to build priceless relationships with top Leaders in any industry, any type of business, anywhere in the world.