Dr. Debrato Mukerjee an Independent Scientist and environmentalist with 47 patent and 310 patent claims in field of Agriculture, Artificial Biological Intelligent agent, Bio medical engineering, Nano technology, Super active nano carbon compound, space technology, free energy Air suspension and dispersion technology, Such as Hydro particle, Bio film world first Biological protection shield, Microbial fuel cell, proton exchange Membrane cell, Graphydene – Super active Wonder Carbon Particle, super active nano Micro porous Silicon compound, Air suspension Free energy turbine, etc
Winner of Asia Pride award, India Achiever’s Award, MG Rastriye Samaj, India Pride (Shaurya Award) Business Line Spotlite 2021 award, Bharat Bhushan award, IJASA award.
Innovation are used in Acmelite LLP Ltd, Unistellar Enterprises (P) Ltd, Bionica IRD (P) Ltd