Web meeting on “Covid 19 Pandemic: Challenges and opportunities in Pharma and Healthcare Innovation”

Covid-19 Pandemic - vyapaarjagat.com
Thursday 07-May-2020: AIC-LMCP and eChai jointly organized a Web-meeting on "Covid 19 Pandemic: Challenges and opportunities in AYUSH Sector" .

AIC-LMCP Foundation (Atal Incubation Centre hosted by L M College of Pharmacy and supported by AIM, NITI Aayog) and eChai jointly organized a Web-meeting on “COVID 19 Pandemic: Challenges and opportunities in AYUSH Sector” on Thursday 07-May-2020. This was part of the series of e-meetups organized to help startups, students, stakeholders in the startup ecosystem to understand the impact of the current COVID 19 pandemic and the way forward, especially from the Pharmaceutical and Healthcare sector’s perspective.

Esteemed experts and regulatory officials –Dr. Falgun Patel, Deputy Director, Training and Research, AYUSH, Gujarat State; Dr. Vandana Modi, Vice President, Cadila Pharma Herbal Division, and Dr. Hemant Koshia, Commissioner, FDCA, Gujarat – were the Panelists. They shared their insights on the different challenges the AYUSH sector is facing during this pandemic. And how the corporates and government are effectively dealing with these challenges.

About immunity and initiation of clinical trials to establish benefit

Dr. Modi mentioned how the corporates have continued research in the formulation development for herbal remedies. And the measures are taken for ensuring an uninterrupted supply chain. Dr. Patel mentioned various initiatives the AYUSH department has also undertaken right from creating awareness, various preventive therapies recommended through AYUSH Advisories, ensuring the supply of the AYUSH medicines to patients in quarantine to improve immunity, and initiation of clinical trials to establish benefits of the AYUSH remedies. He also guided the audience about the prerequisites for application for Extramural Research under AYUSH and the regulatory pathway to obtain marketing authorization for proprietary herbal medicines for the treatment of COVID-19.

The panelists emphasized that this pandemic has also brought up several exciting opportunities to innovate in AYUSH sector especially in the fields of Immunity enhancement. And exploring the traditional knowledge to find prevention and/or treatment for COVID-19 pandemic infection.

More than seventy-five participants across India benefitted from this event. The session was moderated by Mr. Jatin Chaudhary and Dr. Shrinivas Savale.

About AIC-LMCP Foundation:

AIC-LMCP Foundation is an Atal Incubation Centre hosted by L M College of Pharmacy and supported by AIM. Also, NITI Aayog provides a platform to translate innovative ideas into a successful business focused on the Pharmaceutical and Healthcare sector. But we are currently supporting thirteen incubates for their various needs right from offering laboratory. And coworking spaces to technical mentorship to the facilitation of funding.

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