“Curio O Box” Face Shield For Corona Warriors based innovative manufacturing company

Curio O Box is Ahmedabad based innovative manufacturing company founded by Kushal Thakkar.

Curio O Box is Ahmedabad based innovative manufacturing company founded by Kushal Thakkar, who designed face shield according to WHO standards which adds up add on safety and security for all Corona Warriors and which will be a great help in reducing the increasing corona cases.

As coronavirus is very infectious and spreads very easily we had an idea to create face shields for Front line Medical Staff, Police Officers, and NGO volunteers which will help them and others to stay move protective. Face shield covers the entire face which reduces the chances of infection to a great extent.

Curio O Box along with few NGOs served more than 25,000 face shields (version 1) to medical officers, police officers, and NGO volunteers.  We would be happy to serve more if incase any donor wish to donate and distribute more.  Curio O Box has also created a DIY face shield video so using materials at home you can create your own face shield – https://youtu.be/LsnGTzDkX4I

Curio O Box then designed face shield For Corona Warriors based version 2 which is more comfortable, more safe and reusable by automating the manufacturing process completely. Face shield now will be a need of every house.

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