Figgital is India’s first Modern Retail Chain of Consumer Electronics for Rural. Figgital idea has developed during covid 19 when people are unable to buy Electronics Accessories & Phones during lockdown. Figgital idea was made at the roof of the house when Grocery platform bigbasket established Grocery stores on Wheels . Soon Figgital launched India’s First Electronics Store on Wheel in Bangalore. At the moment Figgital has 50+ stores in Karnataka rural and 10+ Stores on Wheel across country. This was just done in a span of 11 months. Soon Figgital launching India’s first Non Essential Hyperlocal platform by bringing 5000 Electronics Retailers on board and assuring Consumer Durables delivery in 30 minutes in city. Figgital will continue making our franchise stores too and deliver Consumer Electronics via Hyperlocal along with other Retailers. By end of March 2023 Figgital will touch all metros .
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