The Success Journey of Pratibhalaya’s Founder and CEO Nidhi Virmani

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Education is the right of every individual and it should not be restrained by placing upper and lower age limits. It can be started at any point of time, age, and at any phase of life. If you have the willingness and the correct attitude to learn something, age becomes just a number.

The process of education and learning is limitless; one is never too old or too young for it. In fact, it is a continuous lifelong process with no age barrier for the learner or teacher. The true learner is always looking for ways to learn from anyone and everyone.

Someone has rightly said, “Life is a teacher and we are its students.”

About Nidhi Virmani

Nidhi Virmani, Founder & CEO (Pratibhalaya)

At an age when most youngsters have fun in life, Nidhi began her corporate career. She joined as a Sales Representative with an esteemed & eminent Indian Multinational Pharmaceutical Company ‘Cipla’ and rose up to the position of a Zonal Manager in a span of 15 years. Her inceptional days were highly demanding as they vigorously entailed shuttling between her Master’s Certificate Program and her challenging job at Cipla. In this journey, she got the opportunity to gain experience in varied realms viz., Human resources, Training, Strategy Development, Sales and Marketing, etc. 

Some of her templates have also been used as public methodologies; thus, adding another feather to her cap. Meanwhile, in her personal life, she was going through tough decision-making times as she had to choose between a busy corporate career or devoting quality time to her child, a mother’s first priority. Eventually, she felt the need of creating an after-school academic program to keep her daughter constructively occupied.  Everything seemed to fall in place when she finally opened KidsGro, a Play School while expecting her second child. The preschool was instrumental in giving her valuable insights on basic teaching pedagogies. 

It is a bitter reality that the year 2020 was harsh on all and sundry. Someone said to her very aptly, “Never let a crisis go waste“; When her play school was temporarily closed Covid-19 Pandemic, Nidhi expanded her horizon – connected with several experts in varied fields and put on track her scheme to deliver their services through online mode, this time traversing beyond the zone of kids and reaching out to adults as well. Then there was no looking back for her. The germ of an idea has now become a reality with nearly 25+ teachers associated with her, serving more than 650 children in India, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Canada, the UK, and UAE. This number is set to increase with the ardent passion of Pratibhalaya Team.

Nidhi’s bright shining corporate career edified her path to become a determined, motivated, and, endlessly endeavouring mother-cum-entrepreneur or a Mompreneur, and this is how Pratibhalaya was born.  It is no coincidence that Pratibhalaya – the name got its inspiration from Nidhi s “beautiful at heart” mum, Pratibha which aptly means talent.


For such an inspiring vision, she has been awarded the following awards:

  1. COVID Warrior, Education Support Award, Winner, 2022;
  2. Rising Entrepreneur (Education) by Powerful Women Transforming Nation Awards 2022 for her contribution towards Women Empowerment;
  3. Invited as an Eminent Speaker at Fempreneur Conference & Awards 2022;
  4. Influencer Star Award 2021 (Edtech), issued by Karyashala Foundation;
  5. Certificate of Appreciation for her outstanding support & humanity work at this critical situation of Covid-19 by Navdrishti, Educational & Welfare society;
  6. Star Award for KidsGro in 2020, by Karyashala Foundation & We Women Facebook Group;

“Creativity is a habit, and the best creativity is the result of good work habits.”

– Twyla Tharp

About Pratibhalaya

PRATIBHALAYA is a highly innovative knowledge platform that acts as a conduit to unite the ardent learners with individualized trainers of diverse personas to direct the skills and talents of the novices to accomplish refinement and eventualpinnaclein harmony with the learner’s inner drumbeat. It is an interactive pedestal designed to allow each individual learner to explore his interests and passions both through online and offline mode. At Pratibhalaya, education is redefined as knowledge to compete the modern innovative world by keeping pace with the transmogrifying world.

Transform your dreams into a reality, with Pratibhalaya.”

Vision & Mission

Pratibhalaya’s vision and mission define our scheme for action and our inimitable trait as an institute that aims to play a pivotal role in society to make education accessible to one and all by endeavouring to help bloom seeds of creativity into unlimited knowledge, while anchored in principles and practices that promote literacy and make meaningful contributions to India and the world.


Pratibhalaya aspires to be a role model for institutional excellence in quality education to learners based on their interests. And zeal to learn in an enriching environment. It aims at nurturing socially responsible future generations through an eclectic and sustainable approach to serving the local and regional communities. Through its work, Pratibhalaya aims to expand its horizon and build bridges across more nations by associating mentors based in India with avid and curious learners across the world. The Institute offers a multi-ethnic and convivial environment to learners of all age groups where they can successfully learn the basic and advanced skills, and develop their exclusive talents and societal expertise.


To provide a one-stop solution, in online and offline modes, for skill development for all age groups, to cater to the academic and non-academic requirements of the learners with a motive to entitle every individual to achieve his/her dreams.

“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”

– Mark Twain

Features that motivate the learner to opt for Pratibhalaya:

  • Experienced and well-trained faculty;
  • Learning with students around the globe;
  • Economical courses;
  • Skill development;
  • Certified courses;
  • Scholastic as well as non-scholastic skill development;
  • Futuristic learning to have an edge over in this competitive world;&,
  • Age No Bar

“Dive deep with PRATIBHALAYA in the ocean of knowledge, creativity, and advanced skills.”

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