Man of the Year 2020: Vandit Shah

Vandit Shah -

Vandit Shah is a Young Entrepreneur based in Gujarat and stretching his business to different corners of the world. But he is a professionally skilled IT guide, project consultant, professional sales trainer, and an author.

He had started his career as a call center employee, and without any professional degree, he reached where most people are laddered up by their education.

He learned from challenges and experiences and thrived to become better than yesterday. Because he had no formal education for the English language, but it’s highly needed in today’s world hence, he taught himself. He observed those who speak it and mastered himself enough to publish an award-winning book, You Gotta Close the Deal.

To start his company from scratch he fought with his fears along with market’s pressure. The initial team was small yet efficient. Today his team is the best one that anyone could ever assemble and everyone is proud of where the company is leading.

Vandit Shah Mission and Vision

He is a High School graduate who never went to college.

The best memories of his school time are when used to sit with his friends at the lunch table and share its food. That simple ritual reminds of how a young brain is carefree and only sees the positive sides. How a young person is cheerful despite having their little problems.

Long term goal of Vandit Shah

His business vision is to be the IT service provider who backs every small and medium level enterprise with world-class technology and also to increase their annual clients from 1000 to 5000 in the coming 5 years. To achieve that, on the company level he is hiring the people to assemble a compatible team as a step towards expansion and on the individual level, and employees are striving to become more efficient than before.

His goal is to reach the maximum number of businesses, no matter how big or small they are and work with them and create more business opportunities.

When asked about his biggest motivator or idol

Challenges are his biggest motivator as they made him who he is today. The real potential will remain hidden until we face problems and squirms the way out of them by improving ourselves.

He keeps himself updated about the good that other people are doing, it motivates him work harder.

Most challenging part of Vandit Shah

He belongs to a service class family where he is the only breadwinner. It was challenging, quite risky to leave a good pay job and invest his savings into the business. His family feared his decision and was pretty upset with his aggressive move. To start a company with limited finances and a very small team, which is skilled and self-motivated. But is not backed by their own people was challenging. There was no back-up plan with him.

Another personal challenge was to survive in a job which demanded the English language for communication but he had never learned it.

To apply for jobs in hopes of getting selected and growing but getting rejected because of not having a degree.

All these challenges were huge at the time, but now they seem small. Because he chose to face and fight them.

Where he see himself in the coming next 10 or 25 years?

In the coming ten years, he sees himself still working with the same enthusiasm and ethics but with different scopes. He sees his business excelling with thousands of clients in the bag generating profit, creating new business opportunities for the new generation. Creating innovative platforms for business actions.

He sees himself as someone who is content but isn’t stopping to achieve more than yesterday.

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