


Riddhinil Roy influencing entrepreneurship in Northeast India

Riddhinil Roy is a Guwahati-born & Bangalore-made entrepreneur. He is the founder & CEO of Connec8ive+, an integrated campus dashboard app since his early college days. When...

RYCABZ.COM provides services for repairing your car at doorsteps

Have you ever got stuck? Stuck in the traffic jam, waiting in the middle of the road helpless with your damaged car? Now there's an end...

SUPERPARENTS – The One Stop Solution For Contemporary Era Parents

There are few activities or processes which sound easy and in reality are easy, while some sound easy but are difficult. But there are...

Don’t limit your challenges; challenge your limits! – Hemal Shah

A brave leader is not someone who dictates but is the one who guides. A great leader is not someone who blatantly speaks but is someone...

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