11 business ideas you can start from home, with minimal investment

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The lockdown has certainly made people re-think they’re careers and many people have realized that business is their calling. If you too are one of those wanting to start your own business and are looking for ideas to start a business from home, with minimal investment, here are a few areas to explore, these ideas are ideal for both men and women and require a small investment.

Meal Delivery

The demand for homemade food is on the rise. If you have culinary skills, you can spare a thought about starting your own meal delivery service. This business can be carried out from the comfort of your home. You may have to invest some capital in manpower and machinery only when the business grows. Besides this, you can even focus only on making snacks and other savories. You can also take orders to provide catering services to house parties.

Small scale farming

If you have a small plot, you can think of starting mushroom farming or bee-keeping. Both are becoming very popular. Apart from being a good leisure time activity, these are said to be lucrative business ideas too. These ventures can be carried out even to supplement your regular income. A little care and time and the business are ready to take off.

Play home

If you love to spend time with children, then you can consider the idea of starting a crèche service at home. Put together a few toys, games, and learning material and you are ready to go. With the ‘Work From Home’ format still being continued, a lot of working parents would want to leave their children in safe hands for a few hours. If you have patience, can provide a safe and secured environment, then crèche service is one good business idea you should try.

Garments and Fabric

Lockdown has opened up new ways of doing business. It has shown that you do not need a plush showroom to sell clothes and that it can be done from the comforts of your home. There are several women, who are selling wonderful sarees and other garments on FB and other social networking sites. If you have contact with the right vendors, authentic weavers, then you can sell clothes from your home, without spending a single rupee on showroom and staff. Several women post videos and pictures on WhatsApp, FB and have been running successful businesses, making a huge turnover.

Homemade beauty products

If you have the time-tested knowledge of using essential oils and other natural ingredients in the right way, to enhance beauty and health, then you must try your hands on translating this knowledge into money. Many homemade beauty product brands have thrived during the lockdown. People are now yearning to use natural beauty products that are free from chemicals.

Content services

If you have the creativity in you to write something that can sell, you must try this out. Companies are willing to pay well, provided you’re in a position to churn out quality content. Writing blogs, proofreading, editing copies, graphic designing, video editing, writing press notes, translations, etc are some options to pick from. These services can be extended online, without having to invest much in infrastructure.

Soap and candle making

Soaps and candles can be your great source of income. If you can put together some wonderful smelling soaps with ingredients that can do wonders to the skin, then make those miracle soaps. There is a lot of demand for beautiful candles too. These can be sold individually or as a gift box!

Event management

If you can arrange parties and events in a splendid manner, then you can think of starting an event management firm. The demand for professional event managers is growing and with the pandemic downsizing the gathering, arranging the events may have got a lot easier. This business is suitable for both men and women.

Online tutoring

If you have a specific skill, which you think can be taught, then it is your turn to earn money. May it be culinary skills or yoga, may it be art, handicraft, or your expertise in academics, you can try to conduct training classes and grow as a tutor.

Direct Sales

There are a lot of brands out there, which offer direct sales options to you. Companies like Amway, Herbalife, Avon, etc are credible and popular brands, which have been banking on direct marketing. It is important for you to locate a genuine brand that has the scope to grow and allows you to grow too.

Freelance Writer

If you can write an intriguing piece, then this job opportunity is just for you. There are many news organizations and web portals that publish articles written by freelance writers. These companies also pay the writers well.

Finally, ideas are plenty, and many business ideas have not been listed here. Ultimately, it is for you to explore your strength and work towards starting the business.

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