Robert Kuok Biography: Success Story of Malaysian Business Magnate

robert kuok

In this success post, we are going to share the story of Robert Kuok. Among the most successful Asian, self-made industrialists who rule the business-world, Robert Kuok, the Malaysian billionaire, is a living legend.

No one would perhaps have had as many businesses as him, all of them so huge. Robert Kuok, 91, has tried his hand in mining, hotels, sugar-cane, oil, flour, publishing, and animal feed businesses, striking a huge success in whatever he touched.

Kuok’s story is one of those inspiring rags to riches saga. His uphill climb started as an office boy, after which he became the clerk of a rice trading department in Singapore.

Robert Kuok, moreover, was a quick learner. Three years in the rice trading department helped him learn the trading business. He later began back the same in his home town of Johor along with his brothers and a cousin.

Robert Kuok career

Shortly after that, he founded the Malayan Sugar Manufacturing co, which quickly gained popularity. It went on to become a monopoly in the sugar production space of Malaysian, producing 90% of Malaysian sugar and 10% of world sugar. That is precisely how Kuok got his nickname, ‘the sugar king of Asia.’

robert kuok

Establishing a monopoly in the market is not easy.  “Have you ever seen Michael Jordan play when he’s on a rhythm run? It was exactly like that,” Kuok says modestly. Naturally, this ambitious and immensely clever businessman did not just stop at that. He started a chain of hotels, the famous ‘Shangri-la,’ which is now spread out via the world and is all set to open its 71st hotel.

Experts would often say that his speed and cleverness led to that near impossible success. Also, the man, they say, was never afraid to collaborate with the rest of the world, unlike the eastern businessmen of the early 20th century, and that was one more thing that led to him being one of the most successful businessmen of the east.

As per the Forbes List, Robert Kuok was declared as the Richest Man of Malaysia and the Second Richest in South East Asia. In the Forbes list of the richest men of 2013, he was ranked at 114th place.

Kuok, who is now retired, will always be revered as one of the foremost eastern businessmen. But who gave birth to multinational business ventures for Malaysia and the world. His talent in the business in unparalleled and his story continues to awe and inspires a lot of businessmen across the globe.

Robert Kuok Net Worth

Robert Kuok is a Malaysian Chinese businessman who has a net worth of $15.5 billion.

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