Upavidhi as Pro Bono legal service Provider

Upavidhi-Hetal Chavda-vyapaarjagat
Upavidhi-Hetal Chavda

Introduction to Upavidhi

Lawyer – At your doorstep, in the tradition of innovation, Upavidhi is an endeavor to introduce skilled lawyers to facilitate people. It is a Pro Bono Legal service provider wherein people get online legal services and subject to their need it further proceeds to counseling in a person. It facilitates people to reach to their right at the right time, right away. It gives all kinds of legal services whenever and wherever within the state of Gujarat. With the aim of making the Legal Experience Remarkable, it delivers a newfangled legal platform that serves to people for all the Courts, Tribunals, and Authorities of the state of Gujarat.

How did you come up with the idea of UPAVIDHI?

Nowadays people’s experience concerning the legal field has worsen. To facilitate people on time we need speedier, easier, and cost-effective mechanisms and On-line Legal Advice can do the best. The world today is online, but the Internet often drags up only what you search for, which it suggests is pre-knowledge of what you seek. It serves up data and information but often without wisdom or knowledge. Indeed, deliberate misinformation is often passed off; and consumed, as fact with horrific consequences. We endeavored to provide exact and prompt information. As things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out, we implemented our idea to authenticity.

Any problem that you have suffered?

Our main problem was the adoption of the change. People are still not that much technology friendly with legal fields. It was just an initiative and things placed into the right form. If your focus is on results, you never change the convention. If you focus on change, you will surely get the results. It is said that it’s to choose the chance to change. It was ultimately about not quitting but sustaining.

Tell us more about your team and the uniqueness of the Human Resource Management culture at UPAVIDHI. Your role as founder and uniqueness?

In the legal field, you must know from the beginning that you are going for an entry-level position, how you’d like your career to progress from an intern to Senior Advocate, and to become a leader. It contains a bundle of responsibilities. You are responsible for people’s employment. Your work represents your ideas, your principles, and your goals. Your people are the essence of your work. Our team contains expertise and experienced lawyers spread across the state and serves with a single motto to fight for rights and justice.

Your AIM as far as you could see?

The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire, the size of your dreams, and how you handle disappointment along the way. It’s not about finding the best way, it is all about creating one. I play the piano so I would say you must learn to play by the rules then you must forget the rules and play from your heart. I don’t want to limit the by aiming something, whatever Good comes, I am going to welcome.

What is your competitive advantage?

I don’t find any competitor till the date because we are unique. The unfair advantage you get when you pursue for good cause is, you become dignified. We are much more than what have mentioned in the “About Us” section of our website. Advocacy is a noble profession; I am obliged that I have chosen to be one.  I believe that the worst of our faults is our interest in other people’s disadvantage. We started with what was observed, at a time whatever we had and now we are doing it whatever we can do and we will.

What are your ACHIEVEMENT?

Our achievement is our credibility. Every time as a mediator of Justice Delivery, we reach to meet to justice is our Achievement. Each and every accomplishment starts with a decision to try. We believe you work hard to determine how your job creates value and that is your achievement.

How much time did it take you from the conceptualization of your Plan to actually launching it in the market?

It was very quick but we are still in the process. As more is always less, we are still conceptualizing it to make it better and more facilitating. We work for people’s rights and we are reaching to people.

What is the revenue model?

Well, we are a Pro Bono legal service provider. If you cannot find what is right and what is wrong for bringing justice, you are a failure as a lawyer.

What do you want to achieve from this? What is your larger goal or vision?

To make the legal industry more technology-friendly and aware of the society of their rights. To create faith in the legal field.

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