Umang Taneja- President and founder of JTR Astrological Research Institute

Umang Taneja -
Umang Taneja

Umang Taneja is the President and founder of JTR Astrological Research Institute, New Delhi. He is the one who has introduced Nadi Astrology to the world. He started teaching Nadi Astrology in 1998 and continues to teach and spread the concept all over the world. Through his thorough research and vast experience in the field of Nadi astrology, in 1999 he came up with book on the subject “Accurate Predictive Methdology”. Infact, he was the only one to come up with an authentic book on Nadi Astrology which was not available and never written by anyone. Till date Umang Taneja has authored six books in total. Accurate Predictive Methdology is the unique book in Astrology which covers all the events of life in an exhaustive manner.  His second book “The Text Book of Astrology” covers all basic information of Astrology whereas there are two exclusive books of Profession and Marriage. There is another branch of Astrology called Prasna which deals with answer of a specific question without erecting birth horoscope. His latest book is on significators in Astrology arranged alphabetically.

Umang Taneja is the first Astrologer who has given scientific approach to Astrology. All events of life can be predicted by formulae which he has designed keeping in view of the modern world. He says it often that Planets do not have conscious of friendship or enmity with anyone. All parts of creation are linked together and interchange influence. By looking into the planetary combination at birth we can analyse results of effect planets which native has set into the past. In other words planets send radiations in such a way that they reflect the Past Karma of the native and its effects. He also says native can change the future if Karma is done in positive manner. Best remedy or Upay are positive Karmas and hard work.

Umang Taneja has more than a decade experience of teaching Nadi Astrology to all the sections of society. Astrology and Teaching are his passions. Mr. Taneja not only teaches his students in person but also by video conferencing in order to study Nadi Astrology sitting at home. He has been teaching in various cities of India like Chandigarh, Mumbai, Kolkata and Bangalore.  Umang Taneja is also actively taking part in various symposiums and conferences in India. As on today he has students in all the five continents and in nearly all small & big countries of the world.  He has also participated in numerous TV programs in various TV channels.

Umang Taneja has been teaching Nadi Astrology in Chandigarh from last 15 years.  By teaching in Chandigarh students from both the states Haryana and Punjab get benefitted as they are able to come and learn in Chandigarh.

He heads a group of Astrologers for the research and development of the science of Nadi Astrology further for the benefit of the mankind.

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