CropIn Provides AI-led Assistance to Streamline One of the Largest Crop Insurance Programs

Krishna Kumar CEO & Kunal Prasad Co founder(AI led Assistance) - vyapaarjagat
To streamline the CCE process and make it more accurate and scalable, the Central Government partnered with CropIn Technology Solutions.

To streamline the CCE process and make it more accurate and scalable, the Central Government partnered with CropIn Technology Solutions, a leading AI-led Assistance and Data-led ag-tech organization. The aim of the partnership is to prevent improper data collection and provide complete digitization of farms and farmers level data. With the capabilities of live reporting, analysis, interpretation, and insight that span across geographies. But CropIn is providing technical support to the government to conduct reliable, accurate, and large scale CCE within a short harvesting window and limited manpower.

Bengaluru | March 2020: As a part of the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) launched in 2016, the Government of India employed an assessment method called the Crop Cutting Experiment (CCE) to accurately estimate the yield of a crop in a region during a given cultivation cycle. However, under the influence of climate change, weather fluctuations, and other variable factors. The traditional method of CCE such as random surveys made accurate data collection difficult. Such challenging situations created the need for the government to have a robust system for assessing crop loss and fool-proofing the insurance claim settlement process.

The Government uses the data gathered from CCE to disburse payment for farmers’ insurance claims seamlessly. The PMFBY requires each state to carry out at least four CCEs in every village panchayat for each crop and submit the yield data to insurance companies within one month of harvest. CropIn’s digital platforms such as SmartFarm and SmartRisk ensure that these claims and payment processes are backed by data, and are as accurate as they can get.

CropIn leverages its flagship solution, SmartFarm, to help the government minimize area discrepancy in coverage, digitization of land records, identification of false claims while also bringing various stakeholders on an integrated platform. The company provides ag-alternate data for insurance underwriting & risk monitoring using SmartRisk, a predictive and prescriptive solution for risk mitigation, and forecasting intelligence. Also, the smart sampling module in the platform is helping the government in the detection and prediction of cropping patterns. Thus highlighting the risk and opportunities associated with agri-stakeholders in the value chain.

“In the last two years, we have done substantial work with the Government to optimize the CCE process for Cotton, Paddy, Maize and other crops in states such as Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, and Karnataka. CropIn’s solutions have helped these states to significantly reduce the processing time for settling insurance claims. CropIn’s efforts are aligned with the PMFBY’s vision to have a database of land records of all farmers in the country by October 2020 and link insurance policies to the land records.”

– Jitesh Shah, Chief Revenue Officer, CropIn Technology Solutions

In 2019, CropIn had partnered with the government to conduct experiments on cotton crops in Jalna district of Maharashtra. And on soybean and paddy crops in Sehore and Jabalpur districts in Madhya Pradesh respectively. While, in Karnataka, the experiments were conducted in Bellary and Koppal districts on cotton and paddy crops respectively. But the Government is leveraging CropIn’s SmartFarm and SmartRisk solutions to enable accurate and efficient execution of the CCE. And consequently ensuring timely clearance of the insurance claims. This project was the scale-up of the first phase of the partnership in 2018. Where CropIn had conducted experiments in a few selected districts in Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh.

CropIn Provides AI-led Assistance, with its digital farm management solutions. But is assisting the Government in its endeavor of bringing all the stakeholders (farmers, government agencies, insurance companies, and financial institutions) on a unified platform. Its agriculture technology is enabling better administration, and bringing transparency in the process by providing real-time information and monitoring.

About CropIn

CropIn is a leading AI-led Assistance and Data-led Ag-Tech organization that provides SaaS solutions to agribusinesses globally. But CropIn’s unique suite of products enables various stakeholders in the agri-ecosystem. And including the farmer, also to adopt and drive digital strategy across their operations.

Using cutting-edge technology like big data analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and remote sensing, CropIn creates an interconnected network of all these stakeholders at different levels of the agriculture ecosystem, enabling clients to analyze and interpret data to derive real-time actionable insights on standing crop. Businesses can thus leverage technology to effectively drive their initiatives around Digitization, Compliance, Sustainability, and Traceability.

With the vision to ‘maximize per acre value’ and the mission to ‘make every farm traceable’, CropIn adds value to agri-businesses by increasing efficiency, scaling productivity, and strengthening sustainability across the board. Thus far, CropIn has digitized over 5.5 million acres of farmland and enriched the lives of nearly 2.1 million farmers. While gathering data on 384 crops and 3,662 crop varieties in over 46 countries. Because the SaaS solutions offered by CropIn are crop and location-agnostic and are available on the Web and for mobile devices.

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