Today’s virtual teachers- creating new education techniques in learning

new education techniques
new education techniques in learning.

RITU JAIN: From a jolly and pampered girl and a successful Business woman in Delhi before marriage to a simple housewife than changed my profession to Marital and Relationship counselor (as I belong to a Judicial family of Delhi and Haryana ) I have a very good hold of Legal side.  She gave birth to twins in 2015, but her son got vaccine-injured with MMR1 and then her hustle and bustle started with several doctors( real monsters ) who told her that her son is MILD AUTISTIC due to MUMPS his SPEECH DELAYED, AND DUE TO THAT HIS BEHAVIOR WAS NOT UP TO MARK and being a parent after so many years with special needs child actually broke them. With her determined mind she concentrated fully on her son. As a result Within a few days, he started responding to all my family in Delhi and then started her journey. Later when parents started following her guidance some got wonderful results as they followed all instructions but some didn’t bcos they didn’t follow even half…
Since then no looking back. With happy parents and almost cured children, more than 80% recovery from only lifestyle changes, diet, detoxification, mindful parenting, and positive coaching in just a few months was just like a miracle.

Juhi Tiwari: Started as a researcher post but the laboratory didn’t give the happiness she was searching for. One fine day she quit the field she had studied for and ventured into teaching and learning. Since then she has explored teaching students, training teachers, developing curriculum, creating content, managing projects, and many more areas. Her words:” One fine day a student who was to begin his Ph.D. called me up to thank me for being unbiased towards all the children in his class, that made me realize the importance of creating a space for children where they are unhindered and not judged. Consequently, I got in touch with Meenakshi (Founder, Shining Spiral- A Waldorf Kindergarten), who was running a kindergarten with this similar outlook, and hence, I joined hands with her to create a place where children can BE.”

Jaskha Dixit: “I have been a teacher, coordinator, center head, principal, and many more roles in the new education techniques system. It’s not about the profile I believe, but about being connected to so many young minds who always look up to you in learning and unlearning many things in life. Every student has a story and every student is unique having that unique story. It’s difficult to incorporate my experience in just 150 words and so I choose to express the overall experience of me being as an educator.

An educator’s job is not just limited to the profile she or he achieves or holds but it’s ALL THE TIME that they have to educate everyone by living up to the standards and principles/discipline/values that they live with. It is easy to dominate the student having the power to be as an educator and the even better way is to connect to the students in the right manner and make a place into their life where they take me as a guide rather than just limited to teacher /educator. This is what I have done and achieved in almost all the students that I have connected and I believe that it’s my best earning in life. I am just grateful to God and all the students for giving me this earning.”

Rajasi Gajar: Founder and owner of My Spanish Academy at Ahmedabad. She is really a wonderful person with superb experience. She is nicely creating the space for Spanish, whereas in India the preference is mostly french or German.

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