Surprise your employees with some elegant gifts this Diwali

Diwali gifts for employees - VyapaarJagat
Diwali 2021

Diwali, the festival of lights, is fast approaching. The festive season brings an opportunity to make our loved ones feel special, and that is precisely why people wait for such occasions to shower gifts on their dear ones.

The corporate set-ups too make it a point to surprise their employees with Diwali gifts. While some settle with the simple sweet boxes, many companies put in a lot of thought behind such gifts along with the much-awaited Diwali bonus!

Here are some of the best Diwali gifts that companies can give to their employees this Diwali!

Don’t cheat the sweets!

Yes, Diwali can never be complete without a box of sweets. It is always the best gift to give to the employees. A neatly and artistically made sweet box filled with traditional Indian sweets will make all the employees smile. An assorted box of mouth-watering Indian sweets like the Kaju Katli, Burfi, Pedas, etc will only sweeten the festivity. This Diwali, the companies can think of giving it a pan-India touch by assorting famous sweets from various regions of the country. Say a beautiful Ghewar from Rajasthan, a piece of Mysore Pak from Karnataka, Sondesh/ Rasgulla or Kheer Kadam from West Bengal, Qubani Ka Meeta from Andhra Pradesh, Khaja from Bihar, or a Narikolor Ladoo from Assam…. the options will be many, but the reaction will be one big ‘WOW’.

God Bless You

Let your employees know you care! What better way of doing this than gifting beautiful idols of Gods. Artistically made idols of Gods and Goddesses are always the most preferred gifts for Diwali. The companies can also think of adding some Pooja items in the box to make it complete.

Dry fruits

A box of dry fruits never fails. Get a wonderful assortment of dry fruits, and you are ready to go. With many wonderful dried berries being available, the array of dry fruits and berries can be a great surprise for the employees. Yet another amazing option is to treat the employees with assorted dried fresh fruits. Kiwis to mangoes, there are hygienically prepared dried versions of fresh fruits available. This too can be a pleasant change.

I Love Chocolates

Who doesn’t like chocolates! A box of homemade chocolates that melts in the mouth can be a wonderful festive gift. Many women entrepreneurs have been making wonderful homemade chocolates with jaw-dropping variations. Plain chocolates to dry fruits coated with chocolates. Some yummy chocolates with surprising fillings…. Choose from the array and gift it to your employees.

Personalised gifts

Nowadays, it is trendy to gift personalized gifts. May it is a pack of homemade natural soaps, personal grooming/skincare sets or fragrances, candles, or natural oils, these personalized gifts are a hit! This Diwali, employees can be gifted with a wonderful personalized gift box that is elegant and classy.

Shopping Vouchers

One of the most intelligent ways to treat the employees is to hand over some shopping vouchers. The employees can go out on their own and pick the things of their choice, rather than the companies gifting them things that they may not need. Lunch and dinner vouchers of popular restaurants too are a creative gifting idea.

Desk Essentials

Considering the fact that employees spend a lot of time at their workstations, gifting innovative and useful desk essentials is a great idea. The desk essentials can differ depending on the responsibilities of an employee. However, organizers, elegant stationery sets, etc, which is a must-have for all employees can be a wonderful gift.

They say, it is the emotions and the sentiments attached to the gift that makes a difference and not the gift itself. So no matter what is packed inside the box, ultimately it is the sense of love and belonging that makes the difference. The employees work hard throughout the year for the growth of the companies, and it is during these festivals that the companies too can let the employees know that their hard work has been noticed. After all, gifts can be a great incentive to work hard.

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