Raj PG’s Karke dekho acha lagta hai

Mr. Raj PG-vyapaarjagat
Raj PG and facebook clc

About Mr. Raj PG

Raj is a professional in PG business. He is in this field from past 5 years and have recently started lunch packets for corporate employees. He provides all facilities like breakfast, lunch, dinner, laundry, room cleaning, etc.. since he believes that his paying guest should feel like home even if they are away from home. He truly and extremely passionate about his social. His vision is to build a hospital which is completely cashless – without any cash counter.

Journey of “Karke dekho acha lagta hai”

  • Group created on 28 January 2016
  • Group Type: General
  • Members · 17,045 (as on 13th August 2019)
  • Admins and Moderators: Mr. Raj PG, Ravirajsinh Vaja, Trupti Chauhan
Picture from the facebook group “Karke dekho acha lagta hai”

With the help of Facebook group feature Mr. Raj is running a group called “Karke dekho acha lagta hai”, the motive of this group is to serve and spread kindness without any expectations. There aren’t any rules or checklist to join his group. Raj believes that we all want to do something good for someone but we may not find a right way to it.. through this group he is building a bridge between the genuine givers and needy.


When God made this kingdom of earth, he made human beings as a part of this family, but man and his necessities split the entire family into groups on the basis of caste, creed, color and much more… May be each one of us somewhere in the corner of our heart has this thought but now to break the barriers and contribute towards humanity, ‘Kar ke dekho acha lagta hai’ group invites you all to be a part of the noble cause. Let us all be united and be an motivation to others to follow the same with a hope to spread happiness in the air. Those innocent faces, those needy eyes, those wrinkled hands when will give blessings, no one can stop us.. Join us as a helping hand… !!! https://www.facebook.com/groups/karkedekhoachalagtahai/

About CLC Ahmedabad

Community Leadership Circles (CLC) is an admin-driven community facilitated by Facebook that brings local community leaders together in person to connect and learn from one another.

Facebook #CLCAhmedabad is an amazing Community ? with Leaders and Admins from Ahmedabad. These are some amazing outstanding people whom the world should know. (Many people already know them but) this one is a big shout-out to the world..

This is an invite-only admin group which will provide us an opportunity to learn from one another and to organize regular offline meet-ups.

What are Community Leadership Circles you ask?

As a member of this group, you can connect with other admins and share best practices, updates about your community, and ask advice of each other.

YOUR LEADS ? Devisha Shah Jatika – 9773601741

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