We really can change the world-Greg acuna

Planet Earthling-vyapaarjagat.com
Planet Earthling-Acting Kindly - Greg Acuna

We really can change the world-Greg Acuna

The Planet Earthlings project was started to create games which empower people to make the world a better place. It’s the dream of Greg Acuna who believes it is possible to create fun games that educate and inspire. The project is creating both printed card games and an educational virtual world.

Greg Acuna at #GUSEC, Ahmedabad

Their newest game is 54 card printed deck called “Acting Kindly @School.” Played in school players practice random acts of kindness and playful deeds to spread joy, create new friendships and foster a cooperative atmosphere more conducive to high quality learning. It’s fun, creative and thoughtful, with teammates switching teams to break down barriers and promote wide spread camaraderie. Best of all…in the end…everyone wins!

Currently, there is a crowdfunding campaign on Ketto.org to raise money for the first printing of Acting Kindly @School. The campaign has raised over 50% of the goal in just 15 days. There’s tremendous interest with key individuals and organizations starting to learn about the game, but still much to do to spread kindness to schools all over India. There’s an amazing video showing kids playing the game at the top of crowdfunding page at: https://www.ketto.org/actingkindly

They have also already created the prototype of an educational 3d virtual world called “Zarbul” which merges a 3D Virtual World and a Social Network into a gamified educational destination with the central goal of empowering young people. The space themed universe combines multimedia content, educational games and cooperative/collaborative learning experiences. Users create an alien avatar, assemble a spaceship and set down on their own planet ready explore a universe of knowledge.

Greg who is originally from Los Angeles has been living in India for over 16 years likes to remind people, “We really can change the world.” His dream is coming true with a lot of hard work and help from lots of people.

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