WEE – Women Entrepreneurs Enclave and E4BM – Enclave for Business Men organized “Business Conclave & Networking Meet” on 30th Aug 2019 at VITS Hotel in Mumbai. The idea behind the event was to integrate the Corporate & Business communities. The event started with the inauguration of International Celebrity Anchor Ms Simran Ahuja, Defence Expert Major Mohommed Ali Shah, World-renowned Violinist Ms Sunita Bhuyan and Corporate Sales coach Dr A. K Garg along with WEE’s Chairperson Chaitali Chatterjee who is also Owner of ShreOM Communications and Solutions which managed the entire event and invited 28 Speakers.
The Keynote Speakers of the Event were Mr. Vikram Kamat, Founder Chairman of VITS Kamats group, and Mr. Rajesh Sarkar Manik, HR Director of Deloitte. It followed by introductions of WEE’s Core team and supporters. There was an official launch of E4BM which is a platform for Men Entrepreneurs to promote their business which is again the brainchild of Chaitali Chatterjee. Throughout the day Entrepreneurs from varied fields presented themselves and the Experts spoke on Life Skills, Business Skills, Selling Skills, Leadership Skills, and so on.

The event continued with Energetic “Conversations between Sharon Prabhakar and Major Mohommed Ali Shah”, Talk by Nandita Puri, Chairperson of Om Puri Foundation, performances by International singer Jeena Earthiva and “Single Woman Show” by renowned Actress Sujata Mehta followed by Networking Dinner.

The entire concept of the event was ideated and curated by the founder of WEE and E4BM Ms. Chaitali Chatterjee. WEE and E4BM help and supports Entrepreneurs to grow their business together by offering interacting and Networking opportunities, affordable promotional opportunities, marketing and media services.
Presently WEE has 1700+ members in 6 cities – Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Nagpur, Pune and Bangalore.
About WEE
Start-up Counseling Sessions and forum for Women Entrepreneurs. It offers learning and interacting opportunities with other women entrepreneurs to gain support to showcase and scale-up their business.
WEE platform provides following benefits to Women Entrepreneurs:
- Networking
- Platform to promote, sell products and services
- Start-up Counselling Sessions
- Wealth Management Sessions
- Financial Assistance (Connecting to Investors)
- Financial Literacy Sessions
- Motivational Sessions