Gujarat Chamber of Commerce & Industry Business Women Wing organises Corporate Gift Fair 2019 in Ahmedabad

Business Women Wing- VyapaarJagat
Corporate Gift Fair 2019

Why Gift Giving is Important in the Corporate World. … Gifts are meant to affirm relationships and enhance personal connections between clients, customers, and employees. In fact, according to Promotional Products Association International, gift giving is proven to increase business activity. And for the same Gujarat Chamber of Commerce & Industry ( GCCI ) – Business Women Wing is organising ‘Corporate Gift Fair 2019’ which is scheduled on 20-21 Sep, 2019 that falls on Friday & Saturday.

Meet Chief Guests

Guests at Corporate Gift Fair 2019

GCCI Business Women Wing has invited Mr. Pravin T Kotak, Chairman – J P Infrastructure Ltd as Chief Guest of the event and Mr. Devang Bhatt who is Channel Head, GTPL and Sujhal Shah, Owner Sujhal Jewels will also be guests of honour.

Event Partners

Esteemed Event Partners Corporate Gift Fair 2019
  • Sujhal Jewels- Annual Partner
  • Setu media – PR Partner
  • – Outreach Media Partner
  • Vishal Jani- Event consultant
  • GTPL – media partner
  • Green Life Save and Protect Pvt Ltd- Annual Memento Partner.

There will be encouraged startups and small & micro industry entrepreneurs to bring in variety and showcase new trends in corporate gifting. There are 25+ exhibitors will showcase their products:

NameCompany/Brand Products
Nikunj DaveThe Concrete ShopArticles made from Concrete, Indoor Fixtures & weatherproof gift articles
Dolly ShahRadhe Courier & FeelingsCourier & Greeting cards & Office Décor items
Ashka PatelA Wax StudioCandles
Shilpa BhattEcstasy ChocolatesChocolate Hampers, Choco idols, Chocolate Bouquets
Chandni VermaShilpagya Retail StoreOffice Décor & Dryfruits Nuts
Rajan PatelGreenobazaarDiaries, Calenders, Green Gifting Items
Ritika BajajASTRAEAFusion Herbal Teas
Jignesh BavishiGift Centrevisiting card holder, crystal pen with USB, Short Wave Ear Pods, Pen stand with bluetooth speakers
Devarshi Patel & Jackin ShahShaileja Enterprisepromotional pens & calenders, presentation folders, executive diaries, wooden table calender, 
Aditya ShahFestinDry Fruits, Nuts, Dehydrated Fruits
Isha ShahMother NatureTerrariums
Neha ShahNeh Ayurvedic HealthcareCandle Holders
Payal ShahKOKEDAMA by Payal ShahIndoor Planters
Pragneshh DosshiThe Flashback Tea coasters, Mouse Pads, Coffee Mugs, Laptop Accessories,Soft Diary, Wooden Diary, Frames, Calenders, Wooden Paper Weight,Table Tops, Customised Wall Clocks, Wooden Tray, Key Holders, Card Wallets, Pigi Bank
Ronak ShahNavbharat Sahitya MandirBOOKS
Nehal AgarwalGoyal Jewellerssilver gift articles
Anjju ChorddiyaMAKOBALuxury Gift Items, Pens, Watches,
Bella ShahBellezoeConfectionery Food items, Fusion Sweets 
Hardik ShahRecycle.GreenRecycled & Recyclable Gift items & Stationery
Sujhal ShahSujhal JewelsLuxury Watches
Usha BajajApang Manav MandalPaper Bags
Rohan SarafBAYWALKbranded pens, stationery, hampers, wallets, electronic gadgets, home decor

Visitors shall be Business Owners

The visitors shall be Business Owners, 5000 GCCI MSME members, MSMEs, Corporate Houses, Women, Individuals looking for Gifts for Family & Friends. Everyone purchases gifts for dealers, clients, staff either for Diwali or for New Year 2020. We wish to Invite them to Shop with Us.

“Gifting is recession-proof, it is evergreen… because the joy of giving is the most satisfying experience. Give and Grow. Gift and Glow…“

Phani Trivedi Chairperson Business Women Wing, Gujarat Chamber of Commerce & Industry

About Business Women Wing

To succeed in Business & Industrial forays has always been in the DNA of Gujarati women since time immemorial. They instinctively know how to grow business & industry and thereby how to ensure all round prosperity for all the stake holders. This has been amply demonstrated by the way the number of women entrepreneurs have grown in Gujarat, most of whom singularly thank GCCI BUSINESS WOMEN WING for all the assistance it has provided to them.

BWW has a membership of around 173 enthusiastic women entrepreneurs and is currently very active in offering value added services through various initiatives which enables women entrepreneurs to establish, manage or expand their businesses. BWW network is growing rapidly owing to its advantages to women entrepreneur members.

This year i.e., 2019-20, Chairperson Smt. Phani Trivedi and Co-Chairperson Smt. Archana R. Gupta are poised to accomplish the vision of GCCI by providing a platform to women entrepreneurs of the state to realize their ambition and potential.

Vision and Objectives of Business Women Wing

  • To promote the social, cultural and educational interests of Women entrepreneurs and provide encouragement to new and existing Women entrepreneurs to become self-reliant.
  • To be well-versed with women’s contribution to the overall socio-economic development in Gujarat and the country, and promote active participation of women in this process.
  • To provide a common platform to women on economic, social, cultural and educational subjects
  • To effectively pursue women entrepreneurs’ trade, industry & profession related issues to the authorities concerned and arrive at beneficial solutions.
  • Acknowledge & Encourage Women entrepreneurs by providing recognition to them through sectorial awards.
  • To encourage and develop camaraderie among members.
  • To apply a consensus-based approach on all subjects concerning business women community.
  • To encourage new women entrepreneurs to become self-reliant by venturing into business and provide a higher platform for existing women entrepreneurs.
  • To organize Seminars, Conferences, Exhibitions, Overseas Delegations, Open House Discussions, Experts’ Talks, Industrial visits and Training Programmes etc. on the subjects relating to women and their economic betterment.
  • To effectively help to project the image of the women entrepreneurs in the civic, social, economic and other spheres.

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